Dear Mr. Dad: A few months ago, you recommended that expectant and new dads consider getting a flu vaccine. Well, with a toddler and a pregnant wife (who’s due in just a few weeks), life got busy and we never got around to getting vaccinated. At this point, is it...
Dear Mr. Dad: My wife and I are in our late 60s and we’re making plans to attend a big family reunion this fall. My daughter is pregnant and has two young kids, and my son has a six-month old and a toddler. Cousins and other relatives will be there too, and most have...
The staff of Healthy Men Inc., including health experts and dads, has received many questions about this season’s flu vaccine and we’ve put together this list of the top 10 issues that expectant dads, moms, and family members should consider when making a decision...
Congratulations! Being an expectant dad, particularly for first time, can be a great joy—but also brings up a host of challenges and questions. One of these is how to best protect your family, including the new baby, from flu. It’s well known that expectant mothers...
Dads have a major role to play in keeping their family healthy. Knowing how best to protect yourself, your partner, and your children from the flu is important. Newborns and Infants Under Six Months The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and many other health...
Encouraging men, including expectant fathers, fathers, and grandfathers, to prioritize receiving the flu vaccination is a critical aspect of family health. If you're on the verge of becoming a dad, it's essential to protect not only your health but also that of your...
La salud y el bienestar de la familia son temas de suma importancia para la comunidad hispana en todo el mundo. Dentro de este contexto, la vacunación contra la gripe se ha convertido en un tema relevante, especialmente en tiempos de pandemia. Los hombres hispanos...
Family health and well-being are of paramount importance in the Hispanic community worldwide. Within this context, flu vaccination has become a relevant topic, especially in times of a pandemic. Hispanic men play a fundamental role in caring for their loved ones and...
As healthcare providers, our mission extends beyond treating illnesses; it encompasses preventative care and safeguards the health of the entire family. One crucial aspect of this responsibility is encouraging fathers-to-be, fathers, and grandfathers to receive the...